nonfiction picture books

Begin with a Plan: Narrative Nonfiction Picture Books

This post was originally published on February 20, 2023, on as part of their 2023 Nonfiction Fest month. After reading this post, pop over to NFFest and read the other informative posts by fabulous nonfiction authors.  ************************************************************************************ I know the struggle well. You research like Ken Burns—widely and deeply— and then face the itty… Read more »

Reverse-Engineering an Engineering Process from the Past

They are short and for kids, but nonfiction picture books can require the sleuthing skills of Veronica Mars, the puzzling wizardry of Sherlock Holmes, and the science chops of Bill Nye. When I set out to write about how The Great Blondin engineered his tightrope across the Niagara Gorge in 1859, I hoped to find… Read more »