Blank Pages and a new Muse

There it is in all its blank glory. The only gift I asked Santa for. Well, that and a new car. Santa’s budget clearly looks alot like mine.

There’s something exciting, and invigorating, and, yes, a bit scary about having a stack of giant blank pages in front of me, ready for scribbles, and plots, and voices, and magic to spill forth like seeds in a garden. It’s bound to get messy, dirty, downright muddy at times. But, for 2012, my muse resolves to reveal white space as opportunity.  I’m confident that, if I tend to the words every day, something marvelous will blossom.


My Herb Garden Fairy by Mark Roberts

And, speaking of my muse, my sweet hubby surprised me with this Herb Fairy on Christmas day. We had recently spotted this little guy in a designer store and I was immediately smitten. He’s sparkly, whimsical, and cheery. But, don’t let his fairiness fool you. His eyes watch me with expectation. Though I’m not a “stuff” kind of gal, this cutie pie was destined for my desk.

I know the obvious name for the little guy would be Herb, but I don’t know if that fits him. What do you think? Any other ideas?

Happy 2012 to you all. May your own blank pages be filled with life, joy, and art.